Monday, January 21, 2013

In the Early Morning

There is something to be said for leaving early in the morning to go to work. Some mornings you get these fantastic sunrises. 
But not this morning. At least not for me. Nope. I am NOT getting up at 4:45 nor am I driving to work. It is Martin Luther King Day here in the US and we don't have school today so I am staying in bed and being lazy. 

These 3 have the same idea as me this morning!
(Well actually they have that idea a lot more frequently than just this morning.)
Can you notice the size difference between my 2 cats? Mr. Orange Man Leo is 3 times the size of little Emma. 22 lbs to 7 pounds.
But I digress.
I have the whole day to myself today and I am very excited about that.
Not sure what I will do but  it will be something fun. Whatever it is it won't matter since anything at home is still better than leaving in the cold, dark early morning and going to work.
Not that I don't love my job, mind you,
but these cold winter morning are really not my style-
(nor is the snow we are suppose to get over night and into tomorrow)
pretty sunrises or not.
Enjoy your day!

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