Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Waiting for my smothered pork chops to finish cooking so we can have dinner-another 15 minutes to go. Katie wants to leave early to get back to school before the big game, and we'll be watching it too- Pats versus Ravens for AFC championship. Glad it is the later game today. Gave me some time to watch a silly movie with Katie and make some time for playing in the studio. Worked on putting together a journal for my trip in February.
Here's a few views.
I love my cover page.  I used a 7Gypsies book cover with the front opening-and I added this lady who is an image from Oxford Impressions. I stamped her on glossy paper twice: on one I cut her out and gave her a bit of color, on the other I colored the the background with mango and brown dry inks and then over stamped that with some copper Pigment ink and this small southwestern image. I then glue the first lady down over the second one. What you can't see in this photo is that I went back later and added some copper Twinkling H2O's on the thicker grey line around the frame and then outlined the swirls with a gold pen. Gives it a bit more depth. 
Am using a 3 ring binder again, one of these mini-ones that you can buy at Staples. I like that because I can make a bunch of pages and then rearrange them as I work on the journal during the actual trip. Here I used a bunch of tags and transparent pages from 7Gypsies that have been sitting in my stash. The left page here has a tree and staying stamped on them from Character Constructions.
I also used some other 7Gypsies paper and pages and on this one I added some 7Gypsies embellishments (from the stash-love using these up!!!!!!) and this Jenni Bowlin journal tag I also found in my stash.
One last look.

So yesterday Katie and I went house and girl shopping- first went to find some sliding storage drawers for a built in cabinet Dave is making for me-our bedroom is a clothing disaster and I really need a big storage place instead of a bureau for my clothes. 
Luckily they opened one of these stores down on the North Shore of Massachusetts which is only a little over an hour away. This is what I think I am going to get for this cabinet-just the sliding drawers.
Right now they are 30% off so I need Dave to figure out my space and size requirements so I can go get them before the price goes back up.
Katie and I also hit Chico's and got some mark down clothes (5 pieces for the full price of 1-that is a really great deal) and went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch.
Not that I needed the cheesecake but it so yummy and how do you chose from this selection?
I had tiramisu flavored cheesecake-delicious. Glad this restaurant is a little over an hour away because it makes it less tempting to go to on a regular basis. Even the salad I ate part of for lunch can't make up for the calories here.
So the smothered pork chops were delicious. Think for dessert I will have a chocolate martini, while I watch the game. Tomorrow, the weekend pigging out is over for another 5 days in hope I can shed a little weight before spring.
Thanks for stopping by and sorry if you are a big football or Tom Brady fan-but

1 comment:

  1. Is that Taos, as in NM??? If so, I love Taos. Great and fun place! My mouth is truly watering at all this cheesecake! Gorgeous journal...a labor of love!


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