Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31

Wow- we are 1/12 of the way through this new year already.
Holy cow!
Busy Busy day for me.
Work, half the kids in 2 of my new classes are already off on an AP English field trip to Boston, an iPad workshop after school and then tonight the talent show that the group I advise at school is putting on.
Should be home by maybe 9 p.m.-
hopefully I can grab some dinner before the talent show and I don't have to munch on the snacks we are selling.

Plus I have ANOTHER head cold-third since Christmas weekend-
Holy cow!
Sick of head colds.
And this morning-
it is 55 degrees.
Major heat wave-
and the wave is blowing like crazy.
Glad I squeezed my shower in in case the power blips off.

Thankfully tomorrow is Friday.
Just a card for today-the colors aren't quite perfect-a little greenish-suppose to be white-winter light tends to do that.
How we're all starting to feel right now.
Images are from Flourishes.
Leaf die cut is from Memory Box.
Cream dots by Viva (their Paint Pens)
Not going to write too much-
too much else on my brain today!

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