Friday, February 1, 2013

10 Things Friday

What would I like to be doing right now?

Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 3 DVD (Original U.K. Version)
Watching this on tv
(Man, I love the clothes on that show!)
And like I've said 50 times lately-
I am addicted to this.
Season 3 is in the mail and should be here tomorrow!
Just a couple more episodes of season 2 to go!

Trader Joe's Spicy Chai Latte, 10 ounces (Pack of 6)
Drinking a big hot  mug of this while I watch Downton Abbey

Go to the Shutterfly home page.
Working on yet another photo book on Shutterfly
Another winter addiction for me!

I wish.....I was
Having it be a beautiful summer day-not too hot-not this winter cold, and be out on a relaxing paddle
Summer vacation,
not getting up in the dark or cold

I was
Dead Guilty (Diane Fallon Forensic Investigation, No. 2)
reading a good book
especially if I could do that on my screen porch

Do some vacation planning for my trip later this month
Wow- can you believe it is February already?

Going home shopping 
Get something new to brighten up the house.
Would like a new duvet cover or some colorful pillows...

Bake and then eat some  blondies.
Been craving them!
So much for my healthy eating!

Playing with all these fun supplies-add a little paint, my journal...
But that goes without saying, doesn't it?

go for a long walk, by the beach, or on a trail some and my puppy...
This is an older photo, from last fall, but this would be lovely.

I am simple person- I may want it all, but what I want are simple things in life. Just all of those simple things. I don't need a big house but a small little cottage-that has to be beautiful. I want lots of art toys, but I don't need the big spiffy studio, just my cluttered and cramped little work space. I want to see the globe, but I don't need first class and luxurious accommodations. I don't fancy clothes or expensive cars-but give me a few clothes I really like and a reliable car with heated seats.
That's me.
Got to love it.
Hope you enjoyed your visit-
I know
 I love it when you stop by.

#9-blondies url-,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNEIAwbyH5iskzjW1_C5XwVji-I75g&ust=1359588056789771

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