Sunday, February 3, 2013


Can you believe I have ANOTHER headcold? My 4th since Thanksgiving-
I am SO SICK of being SICK!
Think I have been pushing myself a bit too much lately too-what with new classes and the talent show last week at scholl. Wiped me out. And then yesterday I had promised Katie a road trip to go shopping- again- I probably should have said I was too sick to go since I ended up buying too much stuff.
We started at IKEA-was looking for bedroom ideas since we are ever so SLOWLY working on our bedroom-we had ancient wall to wall carpeting we pulled up last spring and we are going to put down a laminate floor-which is sitting in our basement while Dave builds me an armoire (spelling?) since our storage space in there is about used up and over flowing and we need to get it under control before it looks like a room from hoarders. OK I am once again exaggerating. Not quite horders but Dave already has 2 plastic bins of clothes since his bureau space is about the size a baby would need and the closet which is tiny and has 2 people's things in it is about to flow all over the floor when you open the doors.
You get the picture I am sure.
I also want a new bed and we've got to get Dave a new dresser too.
Here's what I saw in Ikea-
I like both of these-think a white bed would look nice in the room. It was grey-purple walls and gets a lot of sunlight.

And then I saw these rugs...we will need rugs since we have a dog who is now 13 years old-  and he slips all over the floor. I saw this rug and I loved it. (I have an old grey and white rug on the floor now and the color is great in the room!)

Plus they had multiple sizes, so I bought 2 and they were PRICEY-but solid wool. Got to see today in the sunlight how they look. So that was budget breaking point #1.
Then we went to this outlet mall about 30 minutes away-since we were already south of Boston to go to IKEA- and this outlet mall (Wrentham Premium Outlets)  has a Vera Bradley outlet...what's 30 minutes when you're already 2+ hours from home?
And we walked in to find this out
40%? Man, we thought 20% off what a deal. So Katie and I did some shopping along with the hordes of other woman and ended up getting these
Katie got the big one and I got the small one-like either of us NEED another suitcase. But this little one is much better than the little one I have, and I am going away in 3 weeks...I can talk myself into anything.
Not sure that is a worthwhile trait to have.
But we had a blast and these suitcases were really a good deal-mine was $110 which is like 1/3 of the full price which is like $300. 
OK, no more justifying my purchases.
I promise.
And look who turned 13 yesterday?
I've never had a 13 year old dog before.

And lastly- I also started reading a new book-my book club choice, and I am really addicted already.

Product Details

Let you know how it goes.

So today we have the Superbowl-though honestly-with the Pats losing 2 weeks ago in the finals- it doesn't mean very much to me. And we have a hockey game at 2-might stream it-see if those Maine boys can actually win a game at home-not yet this season- just a couple of ties.
I also haven't been in the studio since Tuesday...I am missing it a lot...but it was that kind of week last week.
Plus my house is a mess...
should crack on (Dave's new favorite phrase) with getting it a bit picked up.
Oh my. 
Have a great Sunday. 

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