Friday, March 22, 2013

10 Things Friday

It is an exciting Friday here in my house. Dave and I are taking the day off and we're off to the big city of Boston for the hockey east semi-final games. Not as good as last year, when Maine played and won against Boston University!  But it will be fun to go with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and go get some food and walk around  the city and then watch the games.
Last hockey weekend for us, which means it really will be spring!
Hard to say that this year with the way the weather has been.
So this week my 10 Things Friday is 10 more travel photos from my New Mexico trip.
My theme today is FOOD!
( a favorite topic of mine)

This is really good soda. Wish I could buy it here in New Hampshire.
And if you are in Santa Fe, go to Harry's Roadhouse and have this chocolate cream pie. It was beyond the best.
And if you want New Mexican Mexican food in Taos, go to Orlando's.  These were delicious fish tacos.
And also in Santa Fe- a fabulous gigantic yummy breakfast at the Counter Culture.  This is my friend Vicky.
Here's my lemon ricotta pancakes with real maple syrup at the Counter Culture.

And how about this delicious breakfast burrito that I ate for 2 days?
This is Harry's Roadhouse in Santa Fe with the yummy chocolate cream pie I showed you early in this post.

And here's friend Vicky again-this time at their house with her husband Bob's bacon and pancakes. They were REALLY delicious too. As was his apple, walnut and brown sugar bowls of oatmeal..
I ate really well on this trip.

And I know this doesn't look like a food photo, but we took a picnic when we did a day trip to Bandelier National Monument. We had cold sausage, apples and some Newman gingersnaps and orange chocolate chip cookies. What a great lunch while we sat alone 140 feet up in this cave. I didn't know that Newman's made just delicious cookies.
We also can't forget the fact that Bob had this delicious muffin from the gas station and Vicky had this yummy bag of Cheetos.  Nothing better than junk food on a road trip.

And no, this dog isn't dinner- but this is Emma this super happy girl with a killer tail. Her favorite people food snacks are apples and lettuce. And watch that she doesn't go eat rabbit poop. Ha-ha. Unlike my puppy dog who likes candy and cheese.
Got to love them.
Thanks for visiting!

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