Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Taos Photos

Think this is a good week to show you more travel photos.
What with our "winter" March weather and hockey season wrapping down,
no signs of spring after our foot of snow Tuesday,
I am in a transition phase.
Thinking about summer and more traveling.
So for now
Back to Taos, New Mexico.
We went 4 wheeling through the mud across the top of the mesa. One thing photos like this don't show you is how tall the mountains actually are. They look so tiny in this photo.
And here's a view of  a farm in the late February chill and gloom.
The grey sky clouds make it seem just  about colorless-but not quite! A little tease of color is there. If you look real hard.
I like the shape of the trees and the curve of the driveway.
And one thing you see a lot of are these neat old trucks. You don't find them on every street corner here in New Hampshire, but all that ocean salt air doesn't help, along with salting the roads in bad weather.
I love the clothespins holding the license plate on.
How about this pretty little church-simple Mexican charm.
I love the painting over the door. Here's a close up.

And this interesting wall mural downtown.
It is on one of the buildings on Kit Carson Road, which is one of the Gallery roads in Taos.
Not like the gallery road in Santa Fe. Canyon Road is huge and amazing too.

How about this fun little sign? Not of any significance like the Kit Carson sign but still put a smile on my face.
Anyone know about these? We couldn't go in when we discovered this sign, as the doors were locked and the building was closed. I was curious though. Next time I happen to get to Taos, I will need to check them out.
That's all for today. Long one for me- I have an open house for 8th graders tonight at school. But tomorrow I am taking a personal day to go to Boston so at least I can sleep in a little later than on a work day.
Until next post.
Thanks for visiting.

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