Sunday, March 10, 2013

We Live to Play Again

Another beautiful morning here in New Hampshire. Yesterday was gorgeous- woke up to sunshine and it got into the 50's, I sat outside on the deck and ate my lunch and read a bit too. I love it!
It has been a busy hockey weekend  for Dave and myself, and we'll have another one next weekend. EXCITING! That is the good news, means we lived to stay in 8th place which means we fill the last spot for the Hockey East Quarter finals next weekend.
Friday night we beat the University of New Hampshire,our rival, 4-3. We controlled the scores most of the game, until the last 2 minutes, when UNH got 2 scores and then the pressure was on. But we held them off and ended up winning, but what an exciting ending. One of those where your heart is in your throat and you're sitting on the edge of your seat until the very last second of the game.

And since the University of Massachusetts lost, we secured our 8th place and so in Saturday's game we wanted a victory for our pride, not for tournament action.
Especially since we lost 4-0 to UNH in the fall back in Orono. That was painful!
Last night we ended up with a tie-4-4 in overtime. I can live with a tie, since we didn't lose. Plus similar to Friday, Saturday was a really good game to watch. Got to love that. I really like a good hockey game and I like it even better when we don't lose.
Means UNH doesn't get to play their quarter final game at home too!!!!
(HA-HA-Always feel a little good to turn that rivalry screw-especially since I work with all these BIG UNH fans.)
So this weekend coming up, we play UMass Lowell,  quarter finals for Hockey East.
Then HOPEFULLY- we move onto the semi-finals in Boston.
Have a great Sunday.

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