Saturday, March 9, 2013

Real Adobe-or More of New Mexico

Life in the cold desert.
Welcome to the neighborhood. Today I have a mixed post for you.
Lots of photos about lots of different things.
Some photos from Taos, New Mexico first.
The adobe architecture is really quite stunning. It seems to belong there- and just melts into the scenery.
From contemporary to old style, it all seems to work.
From private home to old public buildings.
downtown plazas
and it comes in so many colors.
Here's an older building. You can tell by the design.
And more homes on the mesa.
And finally this gorgeous old mission style church. I'll have some photos of this place (along with a few other cool historic churches) another day.
I will say one thing though- I am having major travel withdrawals right now. Tends to happen after a trip. You just want to go some place again.
Right now doing some planning for this summer.
Not sure what will come of any of that, but if nothing does, it is fun to plan.
Don't you think so too?

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