Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It is Officially Spring!

And there's still so much snow on the ground!
Yesterday we got a good foot of snow, and a bit more fell overnight.
We are WHITE!!!!!
But it has to go away eventually, doesn't it?
And we are still in the winter cold temperatures too.
And you would think eventually it would warm up.
But all that doesn't take away from the fact that today is the
spring equinox.
So yesterday I did enjoy my day home.
Spent some time in the studio scrap-journaling.
Balled some skeins of yarn that I bought in Taos.
Getting excited to starting my scarf project- more about that another day.
Then I worked on yet another Shutterfly book.
Really enjoyed sleeping until 9 a.m. too.
I'll hate it in June when I want to get out for the summer though.
So onto some art.
More butterflies to celebrate.
I have been on a butterfly journal kick lately.
I started by journaling on this page. You can just make out the writing. Then I rubbed blue acrylic paint over a Crafter's Workshop stencil.
You can see that better here.
At least some what see that.
Then I added these cloth butterflies.
A bit of blue Dylusion's spray ink.
Finally some white painted dot trails.
I like the dot trails and the texture this page has.
The cloth butterflies are also bright and cheery.
I am all for bright and cheery.
How about you?
Happy spring.


  1. You know, I have 100's of ink sprays and I use 12....Dylusions! please tell me you did this outstandingly beautiful piece of work because you are channelling that summer is here! haha. (in canada here) The flutterbyes and their color are just gorgeous. I love how you have used a minimum of color. That is SO brave. And I love the embellies you used and that you colored them. SO original...Who would think (you!) Happy Balzer-ing! lovies, Samara

  2. Love the textures in this piece. Beautiful colours.


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