Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday Part 2

Part 2
So since it is Saturday-and I have time to chat, how about a book update?
All these books have something to do with my trip-even if only a vague connection.
My latest read:
Had this on the plane with me, a good little paperback. This is book 3 of this series, am enjoying them.

While in New Mexico, my friend Vicky mentioned this book to me. Can't wait to get a copy and read it.
It is a scrapbook novel.
Love that.
And since I am missing that New Mexican food- I ordered myself a couple of used cookbooks off of Amazon. Not that my home cooking in New Hampshire will be the same, but maybe I can catch a small whisper of that southwestern flavor here in the snowy (but hopefully soon very spring like) Northeast.

and finally, another Southwestern flavored book that I borrowed from my friend Vicky.
Vicky is a weaver and she has a bunch of books to inspire her. I borrowed this one because I am going to design some scarves using the patterns in this book.  I bought a bunch of assorted colored skeins of hand dyed yarn while in Taos- the colors were just bright and fabulous. If I really get into this project I will get a used copy of the book, it is a very cool one. I'll show you my projects once I get to them.
This week went fast but it was busy and I have still been adjusting to end of trip.
Finally for you, how  about another card?
Hopefully this weekend I will get my journal photographed for you.
It is a pretty basic card. The BIG postmarks are from Ma Vinci- don't even know if she is still in business, but she has a great sheet of giant postmarks.
The envelope and words are from Unity Stamp of the Week.
But for such a simple card it is fun.
I love the envelope image and saying.
You can't see the sparkley effect of the butterflies in the light of this photo either.
Well, think I have added enough to this post.
Have a great Saturday- and go MAINE-
another big hockey game this afternoon.
We need a win-
will fill you in later.

Thanks for visiting- I appreciate when you stop by.

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