Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Just a Little Behind

Pretty soon these buds are going to pop open to this
and this
The top photo of the buds I snapped this past Sunday 4/28.
The other 2 photos, of the blooming cherry blossoms I took last year and posted on 4/15.
This spring was not last spring weather-wise, and we are definitely a couple weeks behind.
But last year was so warm and so snow free that we were unusually early.
I think we're going to have cherry blossoms any day now. Can't wait.
And my daffodils are just about to pop open, but this photo was taken last year on April 22.
About a week ahead of where we are right now.
I can't wait for those to bloom either!
Spring is so exciting!
Don't you agree?
And this was April 23rd last year. All these leaves popping open.
That view is still coming, but it won't be long.
We're into some gorgeous 70 ish weather this week.
I'll show you when this all happens.
Have a super last day of April everyone. Come back and visit me next month.

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