Monday, April 29, 2013

What a Masterpiece-Even with Dog Hair!

Here's a recent card I made that I am really happy about.  Including the piece of dog hair hanging on it-ha-ha. Didn't notice it until I posted it. In this house it is cat or dog hair everywhere!
I really like playing with watercolor markers, a spritz water bottle and glossy paper. This sunflower vase in the middle is an ancient Stamp in the Hand image. I also used some left over wrap that came around some item I bought to emboss the square background. Yes you can see my sticky tape...I admit, but it kind of gives it a bit of a border and sticks down at the same time.
That dog hair is really not helping my photos, is it?
But ignoring that, I am quite pleased with this card. Both of the center ring die cuts have been sprayed with ink, but in differing amount to give the back die cut a speckled effect and by using a lighter color and more spray the bottom one looks almost brushed. The circle is also made on watercolor paper and the other die cut image is on plain white paper that doesn't absorb so much of the ink. Hence, the speckles.
So yesterday was gorgeous, finally- a day to sit out in the sun  a little bit and soak up the rays-warm up in the long time coming sunshine.
Now it is back to grind. 
Can I moan one more time how quickly a week off goes by?
Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me.

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