Monday, April 22, 2013

New Cabinet and a Few Other Things

Yesterday was a busy work day for me- doing a bit of spring cleaning and helping Dave install my new bedroom cabinet.
This is replacing my bureau. The dear hubby built the frame and I bought the internal parts at the Container Store back in late January when they were having their big Elfa sale. He still needs to build the doors and the 2 drawers at the bottom, but this cabinet is so large  that it was taking up all his work space in in workshop.
Besides, I need to decide how to finish the outside. I am leaning towards painting and Dave is leaning towards staining. My bedroom is the purple-grey color you can just make out on the walls and I was thinking of painting this grey. Dave is thinking stain-but once the floor gets put down there will be lots of wood there- and out house is post and beam so we have wood there too.
What do you think? Any suggestions?
Love how it looks so far though and I am so excited to start organizing and filling it up.
So today I am going back to the Container Store because I think I want 2 more shelves on the right and then I need to price some bins for the shelves; they might be a bit pricey at the Container Store so I might end up looking for those bins elsewhere. But not a bad way to spend the first real day of vacation. Once I get those things thing I plan on spending tomorrow home organizing all my stuff (along with cleaning and sorting too). 
I managed to do a few other spring cleaning items yesterday too! Feel really good about that.
Getting these chores done early in my vacation is great, and I am hoping then to have some low key and down time to play and create later this week.
Oh yes, and I did try my hand at homemade yogurt yesterday. Think I ended up putting in too few live cultures for the amount of milk I used- it needed to culture overnight instead of the 5-10 hours, but it still tastes great. There's a learning curve I guess.
Be back tomorrow with some art and maybe a few other photos too.
Thanks for visiting.

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