Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Project Day

I started by using this speech bubble stencil and some red Dylusions spray ink.
It was one of those days when everyone is talking to you in either loud voices or non-stop or 3 people at once- each trying to get your attention.
So I dug out a bunch of quote stamps and stamped a different one in each speech bubble.
What fun to play with different quote stamps.
Ignore the purple leak through in the binding of the journal.
Then I use some scrap yellow paper and a black Sharpie to draw the letters for the word TALK 3 times.
I cut them out and glued them down.
Because everyone just kept talking to me.
I added the roadrunner because he was a die cut I had  made, didn't use and was laying on my table.
I rather like him.
And I wanted to be a roadrunner and run away from all the chatter and words.
That's why today I am staying home.
I am going to clean out my bureau and closet and load my new cabinet-the one I posted about yesterday.
I am going into the studio too.
Maybe even finishing my raking.
Or maybe not.
I found out yesterday one of my kitties has a growth in the back of her mouth that needs to be surgically removed, but the vet doesn't think (right now) that it is anything too serious.
I hope he is right. When he told me it was a growth it made me really sad yesterday. But then when he called and said her blood work was excellent that was a relief.
Next Monday we're sending her into surgery.
My vet has been spot on with diagnoses for all my animals in the last 24 years we've been going to him- so  hopefully all will go well.
Yesterday I also went back to the Container Store and got my cabinet innards all fixed and set, stopped at Costco for a few supplies and then made a short stop of my favorite craft store- couldn't stop myself since I went right by there and I had no reason I had to rush home.
Wouldn't you do the same?
Have a super duper Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pages, I like the roadrunner and can sympathize with wanting to flee from talk! Hope your Kittie comes through ok!


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