Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some Journal Pages that Need Something

So here's a page from my journal that needs something, what I yet don't know, but it needs something.
Am waiting for it to tell me what belong on top of these purple splotches, pink stenciled flowers and some gelli printing underneath.
And this page is also in the same boat as the top page. I am a bit further along but not sure what it really wants on it yet.
For this page I first painted an orangey-red background, then added some blue violet stenciled designs using more acrylic paint. I traced the Eiffel Tower from a piece of chipboard I have and then cut it out, but before I glued it down on the page I added a bunch of strips of some various and assorted paper tape rolls.
So I am hoping today to spend some time in the studio and see if these pages talk to me at all. 
It will be my first time in the studio all this vacation.
Time to stop focusing on chores and have a play day!
I did have a great visit to my mom's yesterday. Even got to see my brother and my nephew. 
And it was an absolutely beautiful day, blue skies, 72 degrees.
We haven't have many of these kinds of days this spring.
Hope today is just as nice since I could sit out on my stoop and read and enjoy the sunshine for a while.
After studio time that is.
Since it is play day.
(Well mostly. I will try to stay away from doing too many chores.)
Enjoy your day!

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