Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Project Was Quite the Work

Took me almost all day yesterday to clean and sort and reorganize my clothes. Still not 100% happy with this new arrangement in my new cabinet, but I am sure I will be rearranging sometime soon once I get a good idea in my head.
(see this post for photos of my new cabinet
Frustrating because I spent hours and hoped to have it all finished and perfect.
On the good news
it was cloudy dark day and not a bad day to do the job.
I just have too many clothes and I wish I was someone who could just get rid of a lot more.
You know, a major purge.
I wear the same things all the time anyhow.
Even though I filled 3 bags to drop off today at Goodwill.
And I filled a big bag for the trash too.
The pack rat in me I guess is a pretty strong trait.
I took a break late in the afternoon and watched Lincoln which I enjoyed as much this time as I did in the theatre the first time I watched the film.
I needed to do that, I needed to recharge and to sort my thoughts how to finish up my organization.
Enough about how I spent my day.
So I never made it into the studio. :(
That disappointed me even though this was a job well done.
So here's some of my scrap -journal.
Today, some Mexican food photos from when we were in Bisbee, Arizona.
(Feb 2012)
Painted page, some scrap paper, some die cut hot peppers (Quickutz), a Tim Holtz cabinet card die cut, stamped image and this little metal button sticker.
I like those photo of me.  I look thin in it, the self I want to be 15  (or more) pounds lighter. 
I added some of the scraps from a Cheery Lynn chicken wire die-cut- I liked how these little scraps look arranged as a sort of border. I made the medallion from some October Afternoon pre-cuts tags, which I outlined with a white pen and added some white  Viva paint-pen dots and a bright little Prima gems.
You know the letters on this page are just drawn with a black Sharpie and colored in, but adding the Stickles really makes them look 3D and pop off the page. I cut the photo of my lunch out of the big photo and added it to the bottom of the page. Really like how that worked. Must say I like this page.
So it is going to be a beautiful day today and I am planning on being off to go visit my mom.
Don't mind visiting mom but I hate how I have to spend over 4 hours driving and how it takes up so much of the day.
But a daughter must do what she must do, and then I have the rest of the week to do whatever I want to do.
Sometimes one week off just isn't long enough, but what can you do? I was lucky to have the week. Only when you're home for a vacation it seems to turn into a working week. Always so much to do around the house.
Feels good in a lot of ways though.
Oh well, I am off.
Thanks for visiting.

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