Saturday, May 18, 2013

10 Things Saturday

This week's edition of 10 Things Saturday is inspired from one of my recent reads-
Educating Alice by Alice Steinbach. 
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In this book, (which I loved by the way) the author talks about some traveling she did, but not just for pleasure. It was pleasure, but she took various classes and wrote about them.
She learned about gardens in Provence and geisha's in Japan and architecture in Florence, among some other things.
So it got me thinking.
Inspirational learning quotes for students - Anyone who stops learning is old
What are 10 classes or travel classes would I like to do?
I love to learn new things.
Here's my list-

1- Bonjour! Go stay in France and get my French improved with a language course.

2- Go on a sketchbook/drawing trip. Like to Greece or to someplace exotic and get to sketch with other people who want to sit and sketch. I need to learn how to sit on a trip and make time to sketch.

3-Go learn how to dogsled.

4- Go to an art convention where you take lots of classes like Art and Soul was. Learn new art techniques-painting, wax, building dimensional models.

5-Take a cake decorating class.

6-Take a photographing the wilds someplace adventure trip with a group of people all interested in photographing wildlife and beautiful natural scenes.

7- Learn how to fly fish and tie flies.

8- Take an art history class, maybe even one where you visit and actually look at art rather than sit in a classroom and watch a powerpoint.
I need to learn some art history.

9-Learn to play the drums.
Make noise-
something my mom never let me do as a kid.

10-Take a master gardening course through 4H or some other place that offers them. I'd like to learn about fruit trees, and my lawn could use some TLC.

I can think of a few other things too I'd like to learn, like how to ride a motorcycle-but I am really afraid of doing that. I want to learnt to back up the truck with the boat trailer on it too- but I just need practice there-not a class. There's lots to learn on your own without a class if you really want to do it.
Which one of these am I going to do next?

Have a super Saturday.
Come back and visit soon.

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