Friday, May 17, 2013

I Need to Make 2 Journals

I've got summer traveling plans.
A trip in July and a trip in August.
I need to get a journal put together for my July trip-
not that I need to make it right now-
but if I wait until it is time to go it won't be much of a journal.
I know how I get right before I go away.
Running around like crazy person...

So I have been avoiding the most interesting part of this whole short one way conversation-
where am I going?

With my family in July I am going to

And in August I am going on an educational trip from work-
to some place I never even really thought too much about going to.
It will be a mixture of visiting schools and playing, and I will be doing a homestay with a local family for 4 nights!
Definitely not a tourist vacation, although this is a big tourist place.
And it will be HOT!!!
Playa Juanito Mora - Beach House Puerto Jimenez Osa Peninsula - Puerto Jimenez - rentals

Of course right now I feel like it is all so far off since we get out of school VERY late this year- 
that's what 5 snow/hurricane days will do to the calendar.
And in a way I don't want to rush to get to vacation because I am enjoying this spring-
it is has been a very nice May so far this year-
a bit dry for my gardens-
but nice temperatures-
not too hot or too cold!
And life goes fast enough as it is already!

Off on more adventures today-
will tell you more about those later.
Thanks for stopping by-
Happy Friday!!!!!!!

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