Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blooms, Blooms and Blooms

There are flowers popping out everywhere right now.
After the brown and white and grey of winter, it is so fantastic to see so much color.
As I mentioned the other day, I am especially excited because the lilacs are blooming.
And I love lilacs.
If only I could blog their smell!
These are just a little bit behind- spreads the color out a little bit longer!
Pretty soon my orange azalea will be bright with color- the buds are so big you can see the orange petals behind their thin leafy covering. They are  plump and about burst. And I'll have purple iris too since their buds look just about the same.

And then it will be lupine and perennial geranium too.
Never mind the rest of my garden blooms.

My gardens will be bright with color
and buzzing with bees!
Can't wait to show you when that happens!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I was in a card making mood. All these buds and blooms and greening up plants filling in the gardens inspired me, so  I pulled out my box of flower stamps and played.
I made the two cards above and  this one.

Products I used were the lilac stamp from Impression Obsession, the flower rectangle from Hero Arts, the 3 blooms right above us from Autumn Leaves. I also used sayings from Hero Arts, Flourishes Rubber Stamps and Penny Black. A little paper layering, a bit of die cutting and some embossing rounds off the techniques I used. In the middle card I used some color combinations that I don't usually play with.
I also like the white on white in this last card. Who'd think white on white could work so well- and it makes the colored flowers really pop.

Thanks for stopping by!

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