Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dina Wakely Classes-Part I

Recently, I was lucky  to be able to take 2 classes with Dina Wakely.
I have taken a class with her before and I really like the experience.
Her classes are the kind I walk away from having learned some cool ways to use supplies I already have.
And I do use those new techniques!
She's more about the art than selling product for a company, and I really really like that.
And she's a great teacher and a great person.
I love her style- color and drips and messy made beautiful.
A lot like my style- I've learned that since I can't be linear and straight lined and neat and make a  piece without some kind of little mistake - I might as well with what I can do well. Be true to myself.
I love learning techniques I can add to my style.
I took these classes at Ink About It in Westford, Mass.
In the second class we made this great little journal. And this way to color the pages was right up my alley.
We took acrylic paint and made it really wet and runny but adding lots of water to it. Then we slopped it onto the paper and let it  mush and drip and run.
You must use 2 colors next to each other on the wheel for this technique so they don't turn to mud. 
Then we added a bit of ink spray and a stencil-just a bit,
and then used white paint and a stencil.
And I had super messy fingers- several times during the day.

Here's front of the finished journal.
The cover is made with sticky back canvas.
The binding is made with cookie sticks. I need to get me some of these at Michael's on my next trip there.
Love this binding.
So I took this book home and have been doing some journaling in it.
And that part I will show you another day.
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, these are beautiful! Love the colours and the painty fingers :)
    I recently bought her book Art Journal Freedom and am loving it. So many new ideas to play with.


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