Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More of My Travel Adventure Book

So I hope all you people who celebrated Memorial Day yesterday had a great day. My long weekend wasn't exactly wild or exciting, but yesterday the sun finally came out and it got into the 60's (compared to the summer like weekend we had last year and the fall like and wet weather of the last 2 days) and it was a great day to garden. Must say I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the last 4 weeks of school. 
Today,  a few more pages from my travel adventure book.
If you missed the first post, you can find it here:
I made the base of this book in a class with Dina Wakely.
You can see that post here:

The is the back of the cover page. We made the cover using some sticky back canvas and we used that sticky back to make these paper and cloth collages.
I stamped the words on the back of this page using this cool old stamp with all these African places printed on it. Not sure who made the stamp, might be from Limited Edition.
Really happy with the way this came out. I love this sign on the red tag on the left. It is a real sign in Maine. I want to go find it this summer. All those exotic places are also towns in the Maine.
All the stars and hearts are made from a paper and fabric collage that I free hand cut. Really like the freehand look.
That's all for today.
Hope you enjoyed your views.

1 comment:

  1. What an AWESOME travel journal! I love the bright colors, and all those stamped cities are just wonderful! All of the images too, and the paper stars! Fab at every turn!


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