Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up

OK, Lots to include in this rambling post.
Had a great weekend- hope you did too!
Got everything done I wanted to.
That included playing in the studio!

Getting my screen porch cleaned  and set up!!!
(Now it is ready to use but this guarantees it will be cold and rainy or damp for at least a couple of weeks!
Go figure- that always happens!)
Notice the dead plant leaves in the pots behind the chair-
got those cleaned up and got a few plants put into them.
I also did some gardening because we seem to be past a lot of the black flies-
which is a great thing!
I started a new book-

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And I really wanted to go see a movie

Which we did Saturday night and I loved it. My only complaint is that the actor shown here- who played Khan- was not a good young version of Ricardo Montalban who played Khan back in the early days and the Wrath of Khan movie from the 1980's. I think the actors who play everyone else really do just seem like younger versions of the originals.
Ricardo Montalban was such a great Khan in that movie.
But if you are a sort-of-trekkie like me
(means you like them but aren't obsessed with them)
it was worth paying to go see!
We also went out Friday night and had pizza and beer with my niece and the rest of her family- she graduated from college on Saturday so it was a fun little celebration.
And look what are starting to bloom here in New Hampshire!
My favorite- lilacs!
The smell divine!!!!!
But unfortunately the season is SO short!
Only makes the blooming time sweeter, 
to really destroy the old cliche that is.
And now we are into the swing up to Memorial Day and the official start of the summer season.
I've got another busy week ahead, with a field trip, a workshop day and an afternoon with meetings.
Never mind my regular teaching!
(though right now I am ready to wrap that up for the year...)
3 more weeks with my seniors-
Be back tomorrow with some new art to show you!
Thanks for visiting!

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