Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Do Art at the Lake

Cool morning sun Saturday at the Lake when I went to work checking for invasive species on boats coming in or out of the state boat ramp.
With a 5 hour shift, I finished reading my book
Which was almost finished- just 50 pages left which I devoured.
And I just started my next book.
And I visited with my sweet hubby who brought me breakfast 
Here he is with the fugitive- our dog- who wasn't hooked (the sweet hubby's calling when he insisted the dog would stay by us) and the dog wandered off-all they way through someone's yard into the town beach. I sent Dave to retrieve him since 1) it was his idea not to hook the dog and 2) I was working and waiting for a boat.
And then I painted pages for my artwork.
and one more out of my bunch
I will cut these up for embellishments or for backgrounds or something.
Had to do all of these on my lap, as I was sitting in a lawn chair.
And I had to put them down when boats appeared- and
a lot seemed to-of course, because I was painting.
I finally remembered to pack a pad of watercolor paper and some paints.
I've had this set forever as well as the water brushes. They are the coolest inventions for painting away from a cup of water. Plus at the lake I could just walk over and fill them up in the lake. 
I am so clever sometimes!
Have a fab rest of your day!

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