Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scrapbook Style Pages

Another week is rolling along. I can't believe it is the end of June, already. 
So how was your weekend and start to the new week? I was busy. Work at the lake, an end of year school party at one of my department member's homes, 2 Bruins games (on tv), going fishing with the hubby, huge thunderstorms and rain-poor Harl, my dog, was home alone and buried himself behind my washing machine. 
And now we're into the heat and humidity- wish  I didn't have to be working but these teacher work days are very low key. Today I think is the worst of the 3-boring! At least I expect it to be.
So here's a few pages I've made in my summer scrap-journal. Some of my pages are more scrapbook pages, as you'll see today.  Sometimes I draw, as you saw last Wednesday .http://fat-emma.blogspot.com/2013/06/ive-been-drawing-little-bit-more.html Sometimes they are more journal pages, as you can see on last Monday's post .http://fat-emma.blogspot.com/2013/06/5-days-and-counting.html

Here's something a tad more traditional.
It's a little busy to me, but decided I'd keep it.
Spice up my book a bit!
The fish tape was the easiest-I just stamped this little fish on yellow tape.

It is fun to be able to do whatever I feel like in this book.  Paint, paper, pictures, drawing, you name it, it is there.
One more.A combo page!!!
If you can image that!
Top view and
bottom view

I really like how this doodling of waves came out.
I also like my anchors-which are stamped, colored and outlined.
What do you put in your journals?
I'd love to know.
Thanks for visiting.

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