Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Productive Day

Here's what I have been up to yesterday.
Decided this needed a new color-now with my floor finished.
You can see it near the dresser.
A light smokey grey instead of white, grey and red distressed.
And then to keep playing with paint,
and to finally get started with SEWN class
I painted patterns!

Lots of colors
This was sure FUN and RELAXING!
On all kinds of paper with paint and ink.

Looks better now with the design, even with the palm trees showing.
And then I went to Lowe's with my friend Vicky and I looked at paint for my kitchen cabinets.
Brought home 2 little samples-
tomorrow will paint some cardboard and tape it up to see what I like.
Paint all day!
Even in the rain it was a great day!

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