Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lots of Journal Pages

Assorted pages from my latest summer journal today!
A little bit of various styles since my journal isn't very consistent.
But that's the beauty of this kind of journal- making pages however the mood strikes and whatever the moment calls for.
Here's a collage page I made using some of the "trash" I found when I cleaned out my school desk at the end of the year.
Found some images I rather liked. Plus some funny face stickers and some postage stamps on some envelopes.
I kind of fancy this broad shouldered bald alien looking guy on the right.
Not sure whether he has a major double chin or and extra arm.
Is he a creature from Sponge Bob? I think maybe so.

And this pink page is so ice creamy with the painted pink background to match Dave's strawberry ice cream. I cleaned out the trash punch dots from paper punch and used all the assorted colored punched dots along the bottom of this page to hold down the baker's twine.

Had fun using these stamped images from Paper Smooches. Love the smiley egg face.
I also used a Sizzix die to make the silverware.

A painted and ink sprayed background, a photo that I cut the background away and then mounted on white paper, and finally added some little heart doodles-made sparkly with Stickles.
And last page for today is this page of photos.
I made the background by taking a wet painted page and rubbing it up against a blank white page. Think the colors and sandy look work perfect with these photos.
Some journaling and a little metal pin-sticker.
Nothing too complex or too fancy.
Fun using photos-especially at a time of year I took millions!
(only a slight exaggeration)
So what's on your docket this Tuesday?
I'm hoping for a low-key day home to play and putter- this is what I hope will be home improvement week for me.
Maybe that will happen, maybe not.
My 21 year old has a way of not letting me have that kind of day.
Guess that's what happens when you're a mom.
Glad you spent a minute or two with me.

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