Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend ReCap

Took about a million photos this past holiday weekend and thought I'd share a few with you today.
July 4th fun!  Above, little fire we had while we watched fireworks in Wolfeboro from the dock.
You know that song- Smoke Gets in Your Eyes?
Think the firepit on the dock wasn't a real smart idea.
 Swimming and boating in Rust Pond.  Thank goodness for the lake.
Think I went in about 4 times that day! It's been crazy hot and humid here for a couple of weeks now.
A great barbeque for lunch!
Here's the daughter, her boyfriend, my hubby and my silly sister-in-law.
And the sunset on July 4 was fabulous.

And by then the kids (well college aged kids, plus a few 20 somethings and a couple of high schoolers to round that off) had taken off to go see the fireworks in town. It was great just relaxing with some quiet by the water. 
The colors weren't too shabby.
It was a fun holiday (July 4th) weekend for us. Jet skiing, spending the 4th with my in-laws up at my Mother-in-laws place on Rust Pond. We went boating with some friends on Lake Winnipesaukee on Friday-it was HOT all weekend and so we spent a lot of time in the water no matter where we were. Saturday Dave finished the bedroom floor-YEAH!!!!! and we spent some time with some other friends at their cabin on Merrymeeting Lake. And yesterday we tried fishing out on our boat-but it was a bust, so we went swimming in NewCastle Harbor.
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire as viewed from Lake Winnipesaukee Friday while we were out with our friends in their boat.
We were hoping to get under that little stone bridge towards the left...
But the water was so high it didn't happen.
So much for docking in Back Bay and getting some lunch.
We ended up going back to Alton to get lunch.
Lake Winnipesaukee is our state's largest lake, with something like 8 towns on it. Wolfeboro and Alton of are 2 of those towns. 
And here's me and the hubby yesterday when we beached our boat (no not our boat in the background) and went for a dip in the COLD Atlantic Ocean when we didn't have much luck catching any fish. Water made my body numb- but sure did cool me off!
Katie had a crab nipping at her toes when we swam into shallower water- and I kept waiting for a big shark to come streaking through the water (ha-ha-not really).
So how did you spend your weekend?
Hope it was a good one for you.

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