Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Card for You

Last week I made a bunch of cards-
now that the daughter is back at school I need some
to send to her.
I usually send a few every week-
gives her something in her mailbox.
I think even as an adult I like something fun in my mailbox still.
As long as I don't just get  bills or junk or other stuff I don't need.
Anyhow, still have to snap some photos of those cards.
This card was not for my daughter though-
a sympathy card for a co-worker.
Since I made this awhile back I can't remember who made this great
sun image. I added a little watercolor ink color. Then I die cut the tree and added some
Distress Stain with a bit of Stickles mixed in,
just to give it a little more pop.
No saying on the front as I wanted it to be a bit more subdued.

So today all the kiddos come back and I have my first full day of classes. Yesterday we just had freshmen. Tomorrow we wrap up the week.
Friday we're off for a 4 day long weekend.
I am already ready for that!!!
You'd think I haven't had time off for a awhile.
Any plans for your long Labor Day weekend?
Katie will be home-
the poor kid has shingles-
her first week back at school too.
And Dave's got major back issues, can't even put on his own socks.
Hospital central practically.
So my weekend plans-
who knows?
Well, gotta run.
Thanks for stopping by.

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