Thursday, August 29, 2013

It is NOT all Beaches and Resorts

Costa Rica is NOT a place of just plush resorts and green jungles and blue oceans.
It is a complex place that I got a tasting of during my 10 days there.
Hardly enough time to really get it.
But the landscape is beautiful and the people are lovely.
And it is different from here in the US.
Do you know shampoo and those other beauty products are so expensive they are kept under lock and key in stores?
Love these colors.
And this salsa is always out on the table. Not a chunky tomato based salsa.
And I had rice with every meal. I am tired of rice right now.
You only mix rice with beans for breakfast.

One thing that really surprised me in Costa Rica was the bakeries. Lots of good bakeries. Who knew? 
And if you ask them what this baked good is, you'll laugh when they tell you its a donut.
Boy was it yummy- that's carmel on the top.
And with nothing to scale it here- this was probably 7 inches across.
Good thing I split it with Immaculee.
And better than ice cream. Guanabana (soursop) and leche (milk) smoothies.
There's all kinds of smoothies in Costa Rica. Some made with water. Some made with milk.
This one was beyond delicious with milk.
If you haven't heard of guanabana (like me) before, this is what it looks like.
So hope you learned something new about Costa Rica.
I love learning new things about places.
Its all part of the adventure.

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