Friday, August 16, 2013


A few last shots from my other summer trip- the 4 Corners area of Colorado, Utah and Arizona.
Today I am showing you Colorado where we spent the first half of our journey.
I think Colorado has this reputation as being a pretty mountain state.
Not the eastern half-which I know surprised me last time I was here 10 years ago.
But the western half is certainly mountains.
It deserves that reputation. Anyhow,
enough of my chatter.
The top photo is Katie in downtown Denver. 
And here's the Black Canyon in the Black Canyon of of Gunnison National Park.
This was a really cool cliff in the Black Canyon Park.  They say this wall is the highest cliff in Colorado and is taller than the empire state building. 
I love the veins of lighter rock within the darker rock.
Pretty old historic town of Ourey, Colorado.
View of the San Juan Mountains in Colorado on route 550. We're heading south.
Statue in Durango.
And downtown Silverton, Colorado. The entire town is a National Historic District.
Another downtown Silverton view.

Here's looking down from the road into Silverton. 
Highway 550 is one amazing road. Scenic is an understatement. Scary in parts, as the road drops off in some places and there are no guard rails. (So they can plow the snow in the winter right down into the abyss.)
Another gorgeous mountain view on highway 550. There are sure lots of gorgeous mountain views in Colorado.
I'm glad we went and got to see it.
I wish Dave and Katie could have come to Costa Rica with me, I miss them terribly.
Can't wait till they meet me at the airport tomorrow night!
See you soon.

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