Saturday, August 17, 2013

10 Things Saturday-Summer List Check

Here's a pre-post since today I am  flying home from the rainforest of Costa Rica. 
Hopefully will have lots of photos and stories to show you in the next few days. Thought today I would take a look at my summer list that I composed back in June to see if I've done anything on that list so far
since we all know
Nope, it is NOT over yet.
The fat lady hasn't even warmed up to sing yet.

1- Find and visit this famous sign in Maine.NOT YET

2- Take down my kitchen cabinet doors,clean them, paint them, put on new knobs, new hinges, spruce up the place a bit -YES working on them-I assume Dave is painting the wall mounted frames since he is alone this weekend.

3-Clean up under the cellar stairs so I can take that off my list -since that has been on the summer list for at least 5 years now-ha-ha- let's see if that happens-Nope is not going to happen- once again

4-Grow big juicy tomatoes in my garden. Some yummy green peppers and enough cucumbers to make pickles and maybe relish too.
I love playing homemaker and being home. Tomatoes yes, the other veggies, don't think so. Every year I get excited and get the garden started (though this year no zucchini came up) and then I get so busy it kind of fizzles- I really would like to do some relish or pickles though-maybe I'll have to buy some veggies to do that.

5-Rediscover the art of sitting sitting still and just taking in the beauty of summer. Not sure this happened to me this summer. Unfortunately. I miss it too. BUT on the other hand, I have relaxed and enjoyed so peaceful down time.

6-Visit the Portsmouth Headlight Lighthouse- actually visit it and take a tour and also visit the Frank lloyd Wright house in Manchester, NH.-not yet

7-Go raspberry picking and blueberry picking and make some jam. And pie.  I want to make more pie.
I made a strawberry pie and went strawberry picking. But not sure I'll make the raspberry or blueberry picking. Lots of pies coming this fall though.

8-Rewatch the early seasons of True Blood while I watched the latest season. Can't wait, only 2 more weeks until the 6th season starts! I did!!!!!

9-See some fabulous sunsets and sunrises.- I did !!!!!!!!

10-Go eagle watching.I did!!!!!!!

11-Visit some places that are new to me. I am not sure where they might be yet, but they will happen if I am open to their opportunities.-Costa Rica, all those places in Colorado, Utah and Arizona, went to see the Coast Guard Eagle tall ship, an old house in Portsmouth...more to be coming.

12-Sit by an outdoor fire and look at the stars and the moon. Maybe even watch fireflies dancing and flashing their lights. Yup, only fire is the 4th of July one, too warm, but have watched those fireflies dancing around.

13-Finally get my studio cleaned out and reorganized. -Don't think it will be this summer! Hopefully this fall.

14-Get kayaking. Hopefully I will still get out.

15-Get in touch with people that I don't usually see all winter. Like old college roommates, my new friend Estelle from the lake- Hmmm, not this summer- been so busy.

16- But pull the plug on work for awhile. Not as much as I want to, but I have been ambitious here around the house, BUT, I have pulled the work plug, and I really wish I could retire or take a leave of absence and not go back.

17- Be a tourist ( both far away and locally). Oh yes. Have done this!!!

18-Have  the pile of books to read next to my bed get shorter. They are.

19-Practice backing up the boat on the trailer. Not yet.

20-Lots of screen porch naps a few- probably enough to call this a yes.

21-Walk most mornings-get moving! Yup!

22- Eat fresh and local- enjoy the bounty of the season. Yup!

23- Definately play in the studio and try to do more than just keep my summer journal. That is important but I want to make some jewelry and some polymer clay mosaic tiles. Experiment with some things...not get bogged down doing 1 basic kind of thing. Yes and no. There are things I want to do that I haven't yet got to.  These home improvement projects have taken up a lot of time, but I am happy to be getting them done.  I haven't pulled out the clay yet but I have done some art...and summer isn't over yet.

24-Not be too busy though! Just enough not to be bored. YUP!!! Definitely!!!!

25- And mostly, have fun! Last summer ended up being a blast- and this one will be great even if it is 1/2 as good.  YUP!!!! Absolutely  definitely!!!!

And what have I done this summer-
1- lots of home improvement
2- lots of good traveling
3-some good visits with my mom and my husband's family
4-a little work at the lake
5- a few good eBay sales to clean out some craft clutter
6-lots of gardening
7-lots of sunshine and fresh air outside
8-some fun art time
9-earning 3 grad credits
10-some great boating time (no big fish yet)
It has been a great summer so far if I must say so.

I am absolutely not ready to think about going back to work.
Summer is way too short this year-
maybe because Labor Day is so early this year.
I only have a week until school starts when I get back from this adventure,
and I will admit,
that bugs me.
Wish I had 2 weeks left so I could do a few more things.
But that's not how it is
and I am lucky to have a job
and a job I like.
So, I will learn to accept those things I cannot change
and enjoy what down time I have left.
Thanks for visiting and letting me unload.
I appreciate it.

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