Monday, August 19, 2013

Head in the Clouds

Thought I'd let you know I got home yesterday from my immersion trip to Costa Rica at like 2:30 a.m.
What an INTENSE trip! 
There was a lot of glorious adventure, moments of lowest of low emotions when I wanted to cry and go home , things I did I never thought I would ever do and lots of laughs with the 13 of us in our group.
What a 10 day experience!
I don't yet know how to even put the experience into words.
I have lots and lots of stories to share.
For today,
just a few photos from the puddle jumper plane that we flew on our last day from Porto Hernandez back to San Jose to get our plane back to the states.

What an amazingly beautiful country.
Having the opportunity to walk through the rainforest, listen to wild howler monkeys screeching and  interacting with a culture by living with a host family for 5 nights was not on my radar before this.
Visiting a remote part of the country called the Osa Peninsula deep within the Central American rainforest was not on my radar before this either.
Being in the contact zone.

Here's the program I was involved with.

I am a different person from this adventure.
Can't wait to show you some more.

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