Friday, August 30, 2013

Long Weekend!

Even though I have a fairly early doctor's appointment today,
at least I don't need to get up between 4:45-5:00 a.m.
The hardest thing about going back to work!
For sure!
My body can deal with 6 or 6:30, but any earlier,
man oh man.
I hope you have some plans for your weekend!
So I took 2 of my pattern pages and did some spraying with some Dylusion's spray ink. Then I painted some flowers, which I outlined. I added the gal from Stampotique and played with my white pen.
Eh voila.
Here's a better view of the right side.
I like having all the colored patterns underneath it all.
So this week has been busy with back to school. Haven't gotten into the studio at all but I have done some more pattern drawings while watching tv. We've seen a couple of movies on Redbox this week-finally saw Life of Pi which I  really liked. Been wanting to see that movie  for awhile now.
Any other good flicks you'd recommend?
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the way you have layered the spray ink over your pattern pages. Creates lots of depth!


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