Friday, August 23, 2013

The Good with the Bad

So coming home from Costa Rica I have been in a real slow summer mode.
And next week I go back to school.
So much for summer mode.
It's been a busy summer, with 2 trips, painting my kitchen cabinets and a few other chores.
Not much time to shut off my motor so to speak.
So the other morning I worked at the lake and did some pattern drawing.
I am addicted to drawing patterns ever since I took the SEWN class offered by Mary Ann Moss.
I used one of the new small Dylusions Journals for these-I picked it up to bring to Costa Rica with me since I thought I might have some time to sketch.
Just about 30 minutes one night was all.
Anyhow, seems to me this paper kind of leaks through a bit. Is it just me? I didn't get to gesso any pages so maybe that's it.
Anyhow, wasn't as happy with it as with the big one, though I think I might just be remembering things wrongly.
Not really crazy about any of these patterns I drew. Some I like better than others.
Funny how some days nothing turns out in the liking range and other days you love everything you create.
Why is that?
I like the corner pattern on the left. Maybe not those colors. And I like the colors on the right.
So much I did another page in them.
What I don't like about the paper in this book is that it doesn't hold up to watercoloring very well.
I do know its not watercolor paper, but I had hoped that at least with these Distress Markers I could a quick water brush over them to get a bit more depth.
Oh well,
live and learn as they say.
Think I'll add designs elements and collage over these.
I hate having art I don't like.
The perfectionist in me I guess.
Something I need to learn to live with.
That's all for now.
Thanks for visiting.

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