Saturday, August 24, 2013

Travel Journal

I didn't keep a travel journal in Costa Rica- literally no time. 
But I have a few more pages from my Colorado trip journal to show you- I finished it up the other day.
Took me quite awhile for me.
And I didn't get as much done during my journey as I usually do.
This journal is some journaling, some collaging and some things like stickers.
A few little folders that hotel keys and other receipts came in.
I also some images I stamped and cut out and added to the pages.
I found this sheet of old postage stamps at an art sale-with all 5 states on it.  So I was bad and copied them and cut them out and used them for this 4 Corners page. And I punched and added some post cards,
Add a restaurant coaster  and some pictures I cut off a bag.
Stickers, little clear word blocks, stamped images.
I also cut out of those free tourist brochures you can pick up at hotels and other tourist places.
How about a grocery store receipt. Its all part of the trip.
Anything that helps pull the trip together and jog a few memories down the road.
You know, put a smile on your face down the road too.

Next time I take a trip (though I am not exactly sure what that trip will be right now),
I am going to try a new form of journal.
I love this style,
but I think it is time to shake things up a bit.
Not sure what I want to do for a travel journal yet though.
Any suggestions?
Have a great day!

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