Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cook An Egg and Other Patterns in Journaling

Drawing and painting patterns,
I love patterns.
I didn't realize that until I took the SEWN class offered by Dispatch from LA this summer,
but man, how can something so simple change my arting so much.
I have been making patterns.
Then using those patterns as my background.
Really like how that works out and how that looks.
This is a spread I did back in early September.
Kind of forgot I had photos of this one,
and came across them the other night.
And here's some other backgrounds I have started.
This one below is cheery and I'm thinking circus.
Lots of patterns.
And this one was doodled not painted nor stenciled.
And maybe I showed you this already, I don't know
but more doodled patterns.
Sprayed with some ink and I added this white paper lizard die cut I made, rather like him and his shape. Crawling over the patterns.
I am playing and playing with patterns and now going forward and adding journaling on top.
I will say that the SEWN class I took last summer from Dispatch from LA certainly got me thinking more than a lot of classes I've taken. A simple thought no less, just patterns.
Think it is taking me very far.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.


  1. just fabulous!
    Would be happy to welcome you once over on


  2. Your lizard page reminds me of the lizards and horned toads that I played with in my driveway as a child. Our driveway was covered in colorful pebbles that were each so different and beautiful.

  3. Such bright happy colors and patterns! Love that little lizard and your sweet sun.


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