Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

It was a tough weekend in my house- we released Emmie from her suffering Friday late afternoon and that let us all feel rather blah through the weekend. Add to that it was cloudy and even a bit wet on Sunday, so mostly we just kept busy and tried not think about losing her too much.
Still brings tears to my eyes.
I played hokey and stayed home with her on Friday. Here she is, getting a few minutes outside in the filtered sunshine. I like this photo in the fact that you can see she has lost weight but doesn't look quite so thin as she did otherwise. She was down to 3 pounds, more than 50% of her body weight. She wanted to go out, but didn't want to stay out for a long time, so she came in and laid with me on the couch and we watched the end of an old movie-Chaplin. 
Very glad I did that and had some quality time with her.
It helps but still, miss her a lot.
She wasn't the most demanding animal in my house-the 2 boys are much more so, but she was sweet, loving and undeniably tough.
Loved that about this little 7 1/2 pounder.
So the rest of the weekend I did things that made me feel better-
I made apple cider doughnuts-bad for my diet but yum.
I made my first pot of chili for the season.
When Katie suggested we go to Target and T-J Maxx I went along, bought myself a new sweater at T-J Maxx and got what we needed at Target.
I started a new book by one of my all time favorite authors-
Bill Bryson-
And I also started watching an HBO series I really wanted to see
Game of Thrones.
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which I am really enjoying. Katie and I watched the first 3
episodes Saturday night.
Yesterday was rainy and raw-time for the first fire in the fireplace.
Must say I really enjoy having a log (love those fake logs) blazing. 
And going out to breakfast.
No diet enforced this weekend.
Eating always does make me feel better.
This weekend's goal was not to accomplish all that much but to do things that made me feel good.
And what did make me happy is college hockey season started with some exhibition games.
My team, Maine, beat Dalhousie from New Brunswick 5-1.
Great way to start the season and I am hopefully when the season officially goes next weekend we will look just as good.
So add to that a bit of card making yesterday and actually getting a lot of school work done-
I guess I am in a better place today than I had hoped to be
the mourning will take a bit but I am tough and strong. Emmie would have wanted us to be.
That was my weekend.
How was yours?

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