Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Look Who's Having Birthdays!

Time to celebrate!
Today is the hubby's big day
and tomorrow my baby turns 22.
Not possible.
Here they are on our family vacation last summer.
And I made them both a card,
of course no store bought beauties for them.
No siree
Only my best home creative efforts here!
For my 22 year old. I used white cardstock and some Dylusions spray inks and Crafter's workshop stencils.
And then I picked up a birthday die from Taylored Expressions. You can see the little eat cake-right off the Big Kick. But I also used the same die to make the mega cupcake. I die cut the image from the same Taylored Expression die set and then ran it through the Scan and Cut. I was able to save it and then enlarge it and then even get it cut out for me. I added the Viva paint pen color and some sparkles and then a die cut candle once I glued it down on the card..
I do find that the Scan and Cut doesn't cut everything- simpler pattern work better-cutting out the image on black paper and then cutting helps too. Or stamp in black on white paper, but no too complex of an image. I really like to draw my own images and then Scan to save and then cut copies of them. My biggest complaint- the sticky sheets aren't so sticky. I usually have to add a dab of glue stick to hold my paper down. Then I wipe everything down with a baby wipe. So far, that helps. And use a brayer to roll everything down so it really sticks. I didn't think the user learning curve was bad at all but there has been a learning curve.
Ok, since I have gotten off track
here's the birthday card I made by hubby man.
Truck is an older set from Cornish Heritage Farms.
The tire tracks and the sign shape with the one way words is from an older clear set. Not sure who made them- my brain just can't think of who it is when I am trying to write and the hubby is chatting with me and the tv is on-
drives me nuts when the brain won't pull up a name-
maybe Gel-a-tins?
I do the words are from Darkroom Door Co.
Old car set with words.
Love them.
Good for a guy who is in his early fifties and can take a good tease.

Enough said here.
By the way, if you don't listen to NPR-The World, there's this great story which talks about the habits of highly creative people.
Thanks for stopping by and
make it great day on your end.

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