Monday, October 28, 2013

White Pen Sunday

So this past weekend was another cleaning weekend here in New Hampshire.
Besides the fact that the house needed to be cleaned, Dave and I did some more seasonal change over.
 Closing the screen porch, switching over clothes, putting the jet ski away...
not only is giving up the summery weather a sad thing but it is 
But yesterday I spent HOURS in the studio, having a good play.
Meant to make a bunch of cards to send to Katie at college,
and did manage to make a couple
but was having such a grand time painting
cutting out pictures
using a white pen.
Lots of white pen.
It was white pen Sunday!!!
you can probably tell that I didn't make anywhere near as many cards I wanted to.
Sometimes it just goes like that-
and having fun trumps the chores!
Yeehaw for having fun!!!!
This is how I first had the finished page.
But it didn't speak to me.
Just didn't like it.
Love the background,
the very bottom background, but the tag holder didn't thrill me.
 So I die cut a cool Sizzix die, traced it and painted around it.
That's more like it!
 I bought some of these Moroccan shaped dies off of the Sizzix website recently as they had them on sale. I really like these basic shapes. Kind of exotic, but pretty shapes. I had been looking for the dies but never found them anyplace, which was just as well since I got them marked down.
Love a good bargain, don't you?
The page still needed something though.
I die cut the lizard (Sizzix) 3 times since I kept changing things. Finally I added some photos I cut out of a Rick Steve's brochure. Some words too. And I made a tag to slide into the big holder.
And look at all the white pen I used!!!!
Love it now.
Here's the tag to put in the tag holder.
Not a very exciting tag but it doesn't have to be.
I still like how it does look like shattered glass-
I used Tim's new tag with some purple paint over it which I wiped off with a baby wipe.
But its what I wanted to say.
What would you have said?
Thanks for visiting today.

PS with the series tied up 2-2-Go Red Sox!!!!
Take the lead tonight!

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