Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Food for Your Soul

Not the best journal page I've ever done, but one appropriate for Turkey Day  tomorrow so here you go.
Sprayed inked background with some ghosted leaves.
I doodled the border and used some stamps from Chocolate Baroque to makes the brick pattern. Photo is from a Rick Steves brochure I received in the mail.
Oh yes and some letters stenciled with paint using a Stencil girl stencil.
Not sure I like the dark green of the stenciled letters with the other colors I used here-
but there you go, it is what it is.
So I have no school day- extra long Thanksgiving weekend.
Love this weekend. 
The start of the holiday season here in the US and although the weather today is far less than wonderful, my tv in my bedroom is getting hooked into the rest of ours so I will be able to lay in bed and watch tv on those cold winter nights.
That are here already but with many more and colder nights coming.
So today- I might be a culinary genius today or maybe I'll be an artist of high skill. Or maybe I will be a couch potato well roasted and cuddled in a blanket.
Not so sure.
But that's the beauty of having a day off.
Tomorrow I'm off to my husband's sisters for dinner and then Friday,
a little traveling.
More about that later.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

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