Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a happy turkey day if you celebrate.
Got to love these school style clip art images.
Makes me feel like I'm in first grade again.

I pre-posted a book post for Saturday but other than that, there won't be any other posts since I am off on a little travel adventure tomorrow and won't be home until Sunday. The hubby and myself, along with his sister and her husband are heading for Burlington, Vermont for some fun and a couple of hockey games.
We were thinking of going to Montreal Friday, before heading back to Burlington for  hockey, since Montreal is not that far north from Burlington.
But it is going to be really cold there- a high of 12 degrees Fahrenheit, and a low of like -5 Fahrenheit.
No sense running from building to building. Disappointing since I haven't been to Montreal since I was a kid and its high on my go to list.
But I will have some photos to show you next week from our weekend getaway.
Happy Thanksgiving or
if you're not eating turkey
Happy Thursday.

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