Thursday, November 21, 2013

Getting into the Spirit

Made my first holiday card the other day.
Am trying to get into the holiday spirit- you know
change over from making fall things and moving into winter and Christmas.
I am definitely someone who needs to be in the "mood" to create something, and that is especially true for Christmas.
One thing I have been doing to motivate me is to listen to some music- the Pandora app on my phone has lots of oldies-the best- to jam to while I work for that squeezed in hour in the studio after work and before dinner.
Plus it been so COLD it feels like the dead of winter here in New Hampshire.
Katie (my daughter) has gotten me hooked on these love story movies on the Hallmark Channel. They are doing straight Christmas love stories lately. You know the outcome when you see the first 15 minutes and they always end happy. No academy award winners, but just plain relaxing fun. In small doses that is!!!
Oh my!!!! 
This card looks a little top heavy- but its actually the angle.  As you most likely know,
if you photograph a part closer, it looks bigger. (So that's why people hold fish they catch while fishing out in front of them when they take photos-so Mr. Fishy looks bigger-sometimes a lot bigger.) I looked down when taking this photo so the top looks bigger-and hence-out of proportion.
Stamps are Designs from Sheena. 
And before we get to Christmas we first have turkey day-
1 week!!!
Here's a card I put together for my daughter for that day.
Pilgrims from Hero Arts, words from Flourishes, and the turkey is a Quickutz die.
And inside I made this fun little pop-up using a Sizzix pop up.
Words and turkey here are from Hero Arts.
Not sure I like the blue background but it does make the colors pop.
Hope you enjoy my cards.
Thanks for stopping by

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