Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Tried my hand at using a stencil burner to cut some photo stencils this past weekend.
Actually didn't go too badly BUT
I really disliked the blue Martha Stewart stencil plastic I'd picked up at Michael's.
I don't recommend it.
It doesn't uncurl!
It's hard to keep flat.
Its blue and hard to see through to your photo underneath.
But anyhow-
even with the difficulties I had with my stencil sheets,
I tried a couple of photos.
They came out ok, but it was the first time I ever did this.
The only stencils I've made were with my die cuts.
But anyhow, let me show you.

Nothing to brag about, but I am still impressed with my first attempts and 
think I will like what I can do with some practice.
I do say, if you know my hubby and daughter you'd be able to pick them out from these stencils.
That's what  I am really pleased with.
The most.
I'll use these in my journal.
Did order some other stencil sheets off of Ebay and lets hope I like those better because I want to cut some more.
Keeping this post short,
I have a long night tonight with our National Honor Society Battle of the Classes event tonight. Be dragging tomorrow for sure!
Still its for a good cause tonight-
and we'll get money for scholarships.
Hope you get a little art time today...
or fun time...
whatever your muse is.
See ya!

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