Monday, November 11, 2013

No Work Monday

It is spectacular when you have a Monday holiday.
Get to sleep late, do something fun or putter around the house at a snail's pace.
My kind of day!!!!
So far my weekend has been good.
A little more overcast than I thought, and COLD...
and they say really cold tomorrow.
Guess old man winter has to pop his head in at some point.
I spent Saturday cleaning my studio...
took me a lot longer than I expected-
(what's new?)
and  though it is a lot neater now
there's still a lot to go through and purge.
Another day.
And look at what I woke up to yesterday morning
The first snow to whiten the ground this season!
(We've had a few rogue flurries, but nothing like this!)
Luckily it all melted by late morning.

These photos have a cool light since I snapped them as the sun was breaking through the clouds for a few minutes.
And yesterday Katie and I went out shopping and for lunch. Was  a fun mother-daughter afternoon-got some things we needed, a few Christmas gifts and a new jacket for me at Chicos marked way down to $27 from the tag price of $136. Love a good deal.
Plus, we had a delicious desert during our lunch at the Cheesecake Factory- YUM!

My friend Vicky is coming for lunch.
And I am going to relax and enjoy my entire day off.

Hope you have a super Monday whether you are off or not.
Thanks for stopping by.

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