Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Back to Work Tuesday

Journal Page.
I am Missing the water-the ocean-the summer weather when we use the boat.
And teaching ecology at school,
I get thinking about the peril our ocean is in.
How many fish species are being destroyed from over fishing,
and environmental changes.
All this page is missing is some big tears
of my sadness.
Maybe I'll have to go back and add them.
Page is made with Dylusions spray inks and also her stamped border image.
Background stenciling and some segments of an old book page.
A Crafter's Workshop stencil of the starfish
and some fish from stencil I made myself.
The ship is from a package of images from TJ Designs by Tweety Jill.

So back to work, the long weekend is over. 
Was really good to have yesterday off-
and now I am back to grind and the routine.
More another day.
Hope  you stop by then.

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