Friday, November 15, 2013

Pink and Orange

Been using  a lot of pink and orange lately.
Guess those are the colors in my head and heart.
Not sure if any of these pages are finished or not.
But what you see is what they are.
Some of these I like better than others too. But the beauty about journal pages is that it doesn't really matter how much you like them in the end., does it?
Been in a kind of melancholy fall hibernation mode for awhile now.
Just what the season and our short New Hampshire days do to you.
Maybe that's why the pink and orange are SO appealing.
Bright, warm, sunny, everything it isn't now.
But here's something random-
when I look at these old photos, like the ladies above,
I see lots of faces that could be people I know or have a met. Funny how faces repeat themselves.
That's what I do when I use these faces
I look at them and I see people I know.
Thanks for visiting me today.
I love it when you stop by.


  1. Funny how fall sometimes seems to encourage hibernation mode - you would think the opposite would be true. I hear ya though, its been the same for me. I just want to snuggle up with books and cozy sweaters. :-)
    I love, love your choice of colours # 2 being my favourite.

    Cheers, jen ~ new to following along with art journal everyday

  2. all really wonderful pages!! Pink and orange a re a fave combo of mine too. Love the bottom one with all the faces and "magic happens".

  3. I love that colour combination - it always makes me happy :)

  4. LOVE pink and orange too! Yours looks very much like the sunset we have had around these parts. Quite beautiful indeed!


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