Thursday, November 14, 2013

Making Quiche and a Very Cool Blog

Not much for today in the artsy crafty scene but a few photos of my last baking adventure.
Another pie, of sorts, in my year of making pies.
It started with a crust.
4 eggs and then 2 cups of milk.
Beat together- and I added a dash of salt, pepper, and though I didn't, you could add a dash of cayenne pepper if you wanted.

I fried up some bacon and then lined the crust with it.
Not the whole strips, I cut the bacon into smaller bits.
A few chopped onions and a cup of mixed swiss and gruyere cheese.
Then put it into a 400 degree oven for 45 minutes.
And this is what you have, a delicious (well maybe the crust is a bit brown-I should have wrapped it in aluminium foil) but it was a delicious yummy Quiche Lorraine.
I will say when I looked this up in my French cookbook, it had Quiche Lorraine with no onions and no cheese,
but I think you need both of those. Do you agree?

And as my title says, I heard this cool story on NPR (National Public Radio) the yesterday. Its about a British journalist who decided to read 1 book from every nation (except Great Britian and the USA because she had read a lot from those nations) in 1 year.
What a cool idea though I could never do that in 1 year just because I don't have even close to enough time.
But I want to try reading some books from other nations-
at least those I would never stop to think about reading.
Here's the blog she started with this project.

Got me thinking about books I have read that were written by authors living in other nations.
Got me thinking to try reading authors who are from other nations.
I love the idea of learning about a different culture and place through writing.
When I travel I often read books about the place I am going to
and I think this might be another form of armchair travel.
Highly recommend you check out this site!

Thanks for stopping by.

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