Sunday, December 15, 2013


Its a snowy morning here in New Hampshire. We got our first big snow last night- a Foot!!! That means once I get past the morning cup of tea and get out of these pj's there's some snow cleanup to do.
GRRR. (Who wants to shovel?)
But other than that- a snowy Sunday morning is the most relaxing thing.
Katie and I watching one of those predictable Hallmark Christmas movie.
(And I'm a sucker who's choking up.)
I'm having a cut of hot tea.
A little quiet family time in this busy time of year.
Gotta love that.
So while I watch this movie (doesn't require high concentration)
thought I'd post a few backgrounds.
I know you're not suppose to fall in love with your backgrounds, they just get covered up, right?
I think I should design fabrics because I just love these backgrounds as they are.

OK, I started putting things on this background.
So movie is over. 
Tea cup is empty-
yes it took me quite awhile to post.
Time to go call my mother-see how much snow she got.
Hope you like my backgrounds.
Stop back again soon.

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