Monday, December 16, 2013

First Big Snow

Yesterday was a low key day-we got a foot snow overnight from Saturday and I'll tell you, dark snowy Sundays make you really unambitious.  Especially since I had to shovel off the back deck.
Love the spray off the snowblower.
Leo wasn't so sure about this snow. He went out for a few minutes and then went back inside.
He found a much more comfy and suitable place to be.
Harley was out blazing trails.  Not as perky as when he was a young pup, but for 13 1/2 years old he still seemed to enjoy the weather.
Took a selfie while I was out shoveling.
Everyone was out playing and working away.
And now, Monday- last week before holiday break.
Can't wait for some down time off.
I just hope these flurries or snow they are talking about tomorrow doesn't materialize-
I have a field trip to the New England Aquarium in Boston.
And I am looking forward to going.
But that's tomorrow, and one never knows about the weather.
So that's all for me today.
So hope you have a great Monday...
Stop back soon.

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